
Underscore and dash in column names after JSON import

I've been using OpenRefine very successfully for a couple of years, working solely with CSV (and TSV) source files. Recently I had some tables from an sql database that I wanted to bring into OpenRefine so I exported them (from SQL) as JSON and then used OpenRefine's JSON import feature. It works beautifully except that the column names all begin with _ - . For example, my JSON records start with


and OpenRefine made the first column name _ - ID instead of just ID (which I'd prefer - I know I can edit them later, but I have hundreds of fields). I can't see any settings in the parsing page that might help this. Does anyone know if there is a way to import without the extra characters (or if there's an explanation for the underscore dash)? I'm considering submitting a feature request but I thought I'd check to see what other users may know.


  • This is a known issue.

    There has also been a proposal to switch to a standard representation for JSON paths.

    Feel free to comment on either tickets to indicate which solution you would prefer.