
Api is stopping

I'm creating an Ai/Api it used to stop the window when I asked a question now it freezes. I got it working ll except I can't input more than once. I'm using PySimpleGui as my gui window creator. I can't find how to fix it. It just stops freezes the windows still open but closes when i attempt to use the application. Am I not supposed to use input?

    import wolframalpha
from wolframalpha import Client
client = Client('Y4W6A9-P9WP4RLVL2')

import PySimpleGUI as sg                       
sg.theme('Dark Blue')

layout = [  [sg.Text("Hello, my name's Ted. What's your question?")],   
            [sg.Button('Ok'), sg.Button('Cancel')],
            [sg.Output()]   ]

window = sg.Window('Ted', layout)      

while True:
    event, values =   
    if event in (None, 'Ok'):


res = client.query(values[0])
answer = next(res.results).text



  • Some issues here,

    Example Code

    import threading
    import PySimpleGUI as sg
    from wolframalpha import Client
    def find_answer(window, question):
        res = client.query(question)
        answer = next(res.results).text
        if not window.was_closed():
            window.write_event_value('Done', (question, answer))
    client = Client('Y4W6A9-P9WP4RLVL2')
    font = ("Courier New", 11)
    layout = [
        [sg.Text("Hello, my name's Ted. What's your question?")],
        [sg.Input(expand_x=True, key='Input'), sg.Button('Ok'), sg.Button('Exit')],
        [sg.Multiline(size=(80, 20), key='Output')],    # Suggest to use Multiline, not Output
    window = sg.Window('Ted', layout, finalize=True)
    entry, output, ok = window['Input'], window['Output'], window['Ok']
    entry.bind('<Return>', ' Return')                   # Input will generate event key+' Return' when hit return
    while True:
        event, values =
        if event in (sg.WINDOW_CLOSED, 'Exit'):
        elif event in ('Ok', 'Input Return'):           # Click button `Ok` or hit Enter in Input
            question = values['Input'].strip()
            if question:
                ok.update(disabled=True)                # In handling, stop next question
                output.update('Checking ...')           # Message for user to wait the result
                # Threading required here for it take long time to finisih for this enquiry
                threading.Thread(target=find_answer, args=(window, question), daemon=True).start()
                output.update('No question found !')    # No content in Input
        elif event == 'Done':                           # Event when this enquiry done
            question, answer = values['Done']           # result returned by window.write_event_value from another thread
            output.update(f'Q:{question}\nA:{answer}')  # Update the result
            entry.Update('')                            # Clear Input for next question
            ok.update(disabled=False)                   # Enable for next question
    window.close()                                      # Close window before exit