So I have been using Buefy as an UI library for this new project and I come from a Vuetify background.
What I want to achieve using Buefy is this:
'ml-2': (condition to apply the class to mobile breakpoint)
In Vuetify I'd write the code like this:
'ml-2': $,
Is there an equivalent solution in Buefy?
I checked Buefy's docs and it doesn't seem to have breakpoints feature.
You can instead do it yourself manually by creating a plugin or just add the following in your component:
export default {
data() {
return {
isMobile: false,
mounted() {
const mediaQuery = window.matchMedia('(min-width: 1024px)');
// Set initial value on first load.
this.isMobile = !mediaQuery.matches
// Listen for changes
mediaQuery.addEventListener('change', event => {
if (event.matches) {
console.log('>= 1024px');
this.isMobile = false;
} else {
console.log('< 1024px');
this.isMobile = true;