This is an example of what I am trying to do. Suppose the following numpy array:
A = np.array([3, 0, 1, 5, 7]) # in practice, this array is a huge array of float numbers: A.shape[0] >= 1000000
I need the fastest possible way to get the following result:
result = []
for a in A:
result.append( 1 / np.exp(A - a).sum() )
result = np.array(result)
>>> [1.58297157e-02 7.88115138e-04 2.14231906e-03 1.16966657e-01 8.64273193e-01]
Option 1 (faster than previous code):
result = 1 / np.exp(A - A[:,None]).sum(axis=1)
>>> [1.58297157e-02 7.88115138e-04 2.14231906e-03 1.16966657e-01 8.64273193e-01]
Is there a faster way to get "result" ?
Yes: scipy.special.softmax did the trick
from scipy.special import softmax
result = softmax(A)
Thank you @j1-lee and @Karl Knechtel