When running ./bootstrap
in a freshly-cloned repository (https://github.com/coreutils/coreutils), it seems to either
not find some files it wants to or doesn't trust https://translationproject.org.
./bootstrap: Bootstrapping from checked-out coreutils sources...
./bootstrap: consider installing git-merge-changelog from gnulib
./bootstrap: getting gnulib files...
Submodule 'gnulib' (git://git.sv.gnu.org/gnulib.git) registered for path 'gnulib'
Cloning into '/home/vagrant/coreutils/gnulib'...
Submodule path 'gnulib': checked out '0ac98783691bbf8212537ebe18ddb68feb22a760'
./bootstrap: getting translations into po/.reference for coreutils...
ERROR: The certificate of 'translationproject.org' is not trusted.
ERROR: The certificate of 'translationproject.org' has expired.
So what I am going to do to make the certificate be trusted by my system and make it compilatioin successfully?
First, to get the certificate:
wget --mirror --level=1 -nd -v -A.po -P 'po/.reference' https://translationproject.org/latest/coreutils/
and then make the certificate trusted:
a) ask openssl to trust:
openssl s_client -connect translationproject.org:443 -CApath /etc/ssl/certs -showcerts </dev/null 2>/dev/null
b) ask cert tool to trust
certtool --verbose --verify --infile=/tmp/translationproject.org.certs
Finally, you can use ./bootstrap