How to return a JSON list in the following format

I am using the plugin builder. To return a response under's api connector, all parameters returned must have the prefix "p". In the following case, this returns the correct results for an api call.

const options = {
    url: url
    ,method: method
    ,headers: {
        "Content-Type": "application/json"
const response = context.request(options);

The model we will use 
  "mins": 5,
  "price": "34823.91104827"


var body = JSON.parse(response.body);

const {convert} = require('json-to-bubble-object');
let returnlist = []
returnlist.push(     {
  "_p_mins": body.mins.toString(),
  "_p_price": body.price,
  "_p_api_response": JSON.stringify(convert(body))
    return {
        "result": returnlist

This call generates the following response:

_p_api_response: "{"_p_mins":5,"_p_price":"36703.73207769"}"
_p_mins: "5"
_p_price: "36703.73207769"

What I am trying to do is use the module 'json-to-bubble-object' as returned in the _p_api_response parameter (which is a test parameter and is not actually needed) to return the data. This makes my call dynamic so I don't have to manually specify the parameters for each different api call.

Hence, I am trying to make the API call look something like this:

var body = JSON.parse(response.body);

const {convert} = require('json-to-bubble-object');
let returnlist = []
returnlist.push(     JSON.stringify(convert(body))
    return {
        "result": returnlist

but this returns null results

_p_api_response: null
_p_mins: null
_p_price: null

can someone let me know how I can return the data generated from the convert function as a list as done in the first request? Thanks

EDIT: For clarification, the p prefix allows the response headers to be viewed in the builder, as seen in the below image.

enter image description here


  • I dont have enough reputation to comment but

    I am unable to repro your problem. You can view my repro here:

    const {convert} = require('json-to-bubble-object');
    var body = {
        "mins": 5,
        "price": "34823.91104827"
    body.api_response = JSON.stringify(convert(body))
    let returnlist = []
    console.log({"result": returnlist})


      result: [
          _p_mins: 5,
          _p_price: '34823.91104827',
          _p_api_response: '{"_p_mins":5,"_p_price":"34823.91104827"}'