
Guacamole stopped working suddenly; problem from

Our Centos 7 AWS Guacamole (version 1.3.0) server was fully working, with postgresql database for the users. One day it decided not to work and I'm perplexed. I didn't set it up and have no access to the person that did.

When logging in to aws.....:8080/guacamole, it comes up with ERROR. If I rename /etc/guacamole/ to something else, then it gives the log in screen, so there's some problem with postgres.

screenshot of error message when trying to access guacamole from web browser

Here is

# PostgreSQL properties
postgresql-hostname: localhost
postgresql-port: 5432
postgresql-database: guacamole_db
postgresql-username: guacamole_user
postgresql-password: password
#postgresql-auto-create-accounts: true

#Guac Properties
#skip-if-unavailable: postrgresql

guacamole_user does exist, but is not in table guacamole_entity and I'm wondering if the user is a postgres user and not a guacamole user, but why would that have changed? I've tried unhashing skip-if-unavailable: postgresql but that didn't change anything.

Also upgraded the postgres java file from postgresql-42.2.23.jar to postgresql-42.3.1.jar but that did nothing.

/var/log/messages doesn't have anything to do with the error. I can't really find a way to debug it.

Totally at a loss, any ideas?

EDIT: It was an SELinux problem. Disabling SELinux solves it, so it's got nothing to do with Postgres. Thanks for your time.


  • It was an SELinux problem. Disabling SELinux solves it, so it's got nothing to do with Postgres. Thanks for your time.