
Dockerfile RUN layers vs script

Docker version 19.03.12, build 48a66213fe

So in a dockerfile, if I have the following lines:

RUN yum install aaa \
        bbb \
        ccc && \
        <some cmd> && \
        <etc> && \
         <some cleanup> 

is that a best practice? Should I keep yum part separate than when I call other <commands/scripts>?

If I want a cleaner (vs traceable) Dockerfile, what if I put those lines in a .sh script can just call that script (i.e. COPY followed by a RUN statement). Will the build step run each time, even though nothing is changes inside .sh script**?** Looking for some gotchas here.

I'm thinking, whatever packages are stable, have a separate RUN <those packages> i.e. in one layer and lines which depend upon / change frequently i.e. may use user-defined (docker build time CLI level args) keep those in separate RUN layer (so I can use layer cache effectively).

Wondering if you think keeping a cleaner Dockerfile (calling RUN would be less efficient than a traceable Dockerfile (where everything is listed in Dockerfile what makes that image).



  • In terms of the final image filesystem, you will notice no difference if you RUN the commands directly, or RUN a script, or have multiple RUN commands. The number of layers and the size of the command string doesn't really make any difference at all.

    What can you observe?

    And...that's kind of it. If you think it's more maintainable to keep the installation steps in a separate script (maybe you have some way to use the same script in a non-Docker context) then go for it. I'd generally default to keeping the steps spelled out in RUN commands, and in general try to keep those setup steps as light-weight as possible.