I would like the background color of the dialog content and the background color behind the buttons to be the same:
How can I do this?
My xaml:
Text="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, adipisicing elit."
TextWrapping="Wrap" />
My C#:
private async void ShowDialog_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
ContentDialog dialog = new ContentDialog();
dialog.Title = "Save your work?";
dialog.PrimaryButtonText = "Save";
dialog.SecondaryButtonText = "Don't Save";
dialog.CloseButtonText = "Cancel";
dialog.DefaultButton = ContentDialogButton.Primary;
dialog.XamlRoot = Content.XamlRoot;
dialog.Content = new ContentDialogContent();
var result = await dialog.ShowAsync();
I think the easiest way to solve this is to set the ContentDialogTopOverlay
and ContentDialogSeparatorBorderBrush
theme resources to null
private async void ShowDialog_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
ContentDialog dialog = new ContentDialog();
dialog.Title = "Save your work?";
dialog.PrimaryButtonText = "Save";
dialog.SecondaryButtonText = "Don't Save";
dialog.CloseButtonText = "Cancel";
dialog.DefaultButton = ContentDialogButton.Primary;
dialog.XamlRoot = Content.XamlRoot;
Application.Current.Resources["ContentDialogTopOverlay"] = null;
Application.Current.Resources["ContentDialogSeparatorBorderBrush"] = null;
dialog.Content = new ContentDialogContent();
await dialog.ShowAsync();
The other option is to create a custom template for the ContentDialog