Databricks job used to connect to ADLS G2 storage and process the files successfully.
Recently after renewing the Service Principal secrets, and updating the secret in Key-vault, now the jobs are failing.
using the databricks-cli databricks secrets list-scopes --profile mycluster
, i was able to identify which key valut is being used, Also verified the corresponding secrets are updated correctly.
Within the notebook, i followed link and was able to access the ALDS
Below i used to test the key vault values, to access the ADLS.
spark.conf.set(f"{storageAccount}", "OAuth")
spark.conf.set(f"{storageAccount}", "org.apache.hadoop.fs.azurebfs.oauth2.ClientCredsTokenProvider")
spark.conf.set(f"{storageAccount}", appid)
spark.conf.set(f"{storageAccount}", secretValue)
spark.conf.set(f"{storageAccount}", f"{directoryid}/oauth2/token")"abfss://<container-name>@<storage-accnt-name><folder>")
With an attached cluster, above successfully display the list of folders/files within the ADLS G2 storage.
The code used to create the mount point, which used old secrets info.
directoryId=dbutils.secrets.get(scope=scope_name, key="name-of-key-from-keyvault-which-stores-tenantid-value")
configs = {"": "OAuth",
"": "org.apache.hadoop.fs.azurebfs.oauth2.ClientCredsTokenProvider",
"": dbutils.secrets.get(scope=scope_name, key="name-of-key-from-key-vault-referring-to-clientid"),
"": dbutils.secrets.get(scope=scope_name, key="name-of-key-from-key-vault-referring-to-secretvalue-generated-in-sp-secrets"),
"": f"{directoryId}/oauth2/token"}
mount_point = "/mnt/appadls/content"
if not any(mount.mountPoint == mount_point for mount in dbutils.fs.mounts()):
print(f"Mounting {mount_point} to DBFS filesystem")
source = f"abfss://{container_name}@{storage_acct_name}",
mount_point = mount_point,
extra_configs = configs)
print("Mount point {mount_point} has already been mounted.")
In my case the key vault is updated with clientid, tenant/directory id, SP secret key.
After renewing the service prinicpal, when accessing the /mnt/path, I see below exception.
response '{"error":"invalid_client","error_description":"AADSTS7000215: Invalid client secret is provided.
The only thing i could think of is the mount point was created with old secrets as in the above code. After renewing the service principal do i need to unmount and re-create the mount point?
So i finally tried to unmount and mount the ADLS G2 storage, now i am able to access that.
I didn't expect that the configuration would somehow be persisted. just updating the service principal secret is sufficient.