I'm reading lines from a txt file trying to get two lines at once (current and next). I use Supplier, but still get the error.
Stream<String> lines = Files.lines(Paths.get(fileName));
Supplier<Stream<String>> streamSupplier = () -> lines;
Optional<String> line = streamSupplier.get().skip(offset).findFirst();
Optional<String> nextLine = streamSupplier.get().skip(offset+1).findFirst();
What am I missing here?
The problem is that your supplier isn't giving you two instances of the stream: it's giving you the same one each time. streamSupplier.get()
is no different from using lines
If you want to read two things from the stream, skip by offset
, then limit by 2, then collect to a list:
List<String> items = lines.skip(offset).limit(2).collect(Collectors.toList());
Now you can get those items from the list:
Optional<String> line = items.size() > 0 ? Optional.of(items.get(0)) : Optional.empty();
Optional<String> nextLine = items.size() > 1 ? Optional.of(items.get(1)) : Optional.empty();