I'm using django-redis to store some data on my website, and I have a problem where Redis is adding :1 at the beginning so my key looks like this: :1:my_key
I'm not sure why is it doing this, I've read the documentation on django-redis and I couldn't find anything related, so my guess it has something to do with redis but I can't figure out what.
In my settings.py I have the regular:
"default": {
"BACKEND": "django_redis.cache.RedisCache",
"LOCATION": "redis://xxxxx/0",
"CLIENT_CLASS": "django_redis.client.DefaultClient",
And in my tasks.py I set keys like the documentation says:
from django.core.cache import cache
cache.set(my_key, my_value, 3600)
So now I can't get the values using the cache.get(my_key)
it's version
cache.set(key, value, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, version=None)
You can remove it by set empty string:
cache.set("foo", "bar",version='')
In the redis you will get: