I have the following cmake command:
# ditto for tesseract
pkg_search_module(LEPT lept)
NAMES leptonica liblept liblept-dev lept
// ditto for tesseract
target_include_dirs(tess_api PRIVATE ${LEPT_INCLUDE_DIRS})
target_link_libraries(tess_api LINK_PRIVATE ${LEPT})
And the following status report:
message(STATUS "LEPT: ${LEPT}")
With the output:
-- LEPTONICA: /usr/local/Cellar/leptonica/1.82.0/lib/liblept.dylib
-- LEPTONICA::INCLUDE: /usr/local/Cellar/leptonica/1.82.0/include/leptonica
-- LEPTONICA::LIBRARY: -L/usr/local/Cellar/leptonica/1.82.0/lib;-llept
-- LEPTONICA::CFLAGS: -I/usr/local/Cellar/leptonica/1.82.0/include/leptonica
Where the leptonica inclusion is all the way into the leptonica source directory, rather than one stop before it (correct? incorrect?).
OK, great. However, one big issue. My C++
source file requires me to drop the leptonica
in my inclusion:
#include "tesseract/..." // like a charm
// #include "leptonica/allheaders.h" // WRONG!
#include "allheaders.h" // well this works :(
Which I would, in a dev machine on a non-cross-platform make, kludge.
However, ideally this project has best cross-platform practices implemented such that the leptonica
path remains in the inclusion.
I am not sure how to achieve this, given that CMake + leptonica, and the source example from tesseract all have this disagreement about how leptonica ought to be included... (and in fact I disagree with the idea of including 3rd party headers as if they are in the local source directory).
However, ideally this project has best cross-platform practices implemented...
That would be this:
find_package(PkgConfig) # Never include(Find<Anything>)
pkg_search_module(Tesseract REQUIRED IMPORTED_TARGET ...)
pkg_search_module(Leptonica REQUIRED IMPORTED_TARGET lept)
PRIVATE PkgConfig::Tesseract PkgConfig::Leptonica)
Always link to libraries via imported targets. You basically never need find_library
outside of an actual Find module.
... implemented such that the leptonica path remains in the inclusion.
Now, upstream leptonica injects both the include/leptonica
and include
directories into your include path, but it seems Homebrew has patched (bugged) out the plain one. One way to fix this would be to write
pkg_search_module(Leptonica ...)
# Work around common Leptonica packaging bugs...
if (";${Leptonica_INCLUDE_DIRS};" MATCHES ";([^;]+)[/\\]leptonica[/\\]?;")
PkgConfig::Leptonica BEFORE INTERFACE "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}")
endif ()
This will try to match a path ending in "[/\]leptonica" and add its parent to the start of the includes list for the imported target.