When I write appium tests specifically to run on App Center (and therefore must use the custom 'Enhanced Driver'), it looks like I can only declare driver
as either an EnhancedAndroidDriver
type, or an EnhancedIOSDriver
public EnhancedAndroidDriver<MobileElement> driver;
// public EnhancedIOSDriver<MobileElement> driver; <----- can't declare same variable twice
public AppiumDriver<MobileElement> getDriver() throws IOException {
String PLATFORM_NAME = System.getenv("XTC_PLATFORM");
if (PLATFORM_NAME.equals("Android")) {
EnhancedAndroidDriver<MobileElement> androiddriver = Factory.createAndroidDriver(new URL("http://localhost:4723/wd/hub"), caps);
driver = androiddriver;
} else if (PLATFORM_NAME.equals("iOS")) {
EnhancedIOSDriver<MobileElement> iosdriver = Factory.createIOSDriver(new URL("http://localhost:4723/wd/hub"), caps);
driver = iosdriver; <---- compiler error, wrong type
return driver;
I want to run a simple test in a single file that will run on both platforms, but it seems I must choose either android or ios for that file to run on. How do I avoid duplicating all my test files? I am using react native and my app is basically identical on both platforms. I have done something similar with the regular AppiumDriver.
Any suggestions to programmatically switch which type 'EnhancedIOS/AndroidDriver' the variable driver
refers to in Java??
With the regular AppiumDriver, I can do this:
private static AppiumDriver<MobileElement> driver;
public AppiumDriver<MobileElement> getDriver() throws IOException {
if (PLATFORM_NAME.equals("Android")) {
driver = new AndroidDriver<MobileElement>(new URL(""), capabilities);
} else if (PLATFORM_NAME.equals("iOS")) {
driver = new IOSDriver<MobileElement>(new URL(""), capabilities);
return driver;
And then use the driver in the tests generically. But it seems impossible to take this approach with the App Center Enhanced drivers because they don't share a common type (or I don't know enough about Java to figure it out). Is there any way to work around this??
I ended up writing an Interface that wrapped the driver, which instantiated and operated on the platform specific driver for each driver method I use, and allowed me to use the common name driver to refer to it throughout the rest of the test framework.
I passed in the platform name to the Interface when I instantiated the interface. The platform name was read as an environment variable I set in the App Center branch build settings.