
Connecting the domain obtained from godaddy to the service running in Google Cloud Run

I bought a domain from godaddy for my service running on Gcr, for example: (I didn't know about the existence of Cloud Domains). In order to establish a domain relationship with my service, I first verified my domain over

Then I added a record via Google cloud console -> Network Services - Cloud DNS and added the incoming records to my records in GoDaddy.

enter image description here

and when I check my Domain Name on, the results do not confirm the operation. enter image description here

However, even though 16 hours have passed, my transaction is still not confirmed. enter image description here How can I confirm this domain? What is a wrong or missing transaction?


  • I've done it! But by using cloudrun only. I mapped my domain via godaddy by following these steps

    Note: Remove all the default A and AAAA in godaddy before putting all your DNS records from cloudrun