
How to re-map with Flutter

I have an object with following data for instance (Elasticsearch result)

{createdat: {raw: 2022-01-26T16:49:24.000Z}, images: {raw: []}}

In Flutter I would like to (re)map this object to look like

{createdat: 2022-01-26T16:49:24.000Z, images: []}

So the challenge is to get the value of each "raw" and get it one level up.

Is there an easy method to solve that task?


  • You can do something like this:

    void main() {
      final originalMap = {
        'createdat': {'raw': '2022-01-26T16:49:24.000Z'},
        'images': {'raw': []}
      final convertedMap = originalMap.map((key, value) => 
        MapEntry(key, value['raw']));