I have an object with following data for instance (Elasticsearch result)
{createdat: {raw: 2022-01-26T16:49:24.000Z}, images: {raw: []}}
In Flutter I would like to (re)map this object to look like
{createdat: 2022-01-26T16:49:24.000Z, images: []}
So the challenge is to get the value of each "raw" and get it one level up.
Is there an easy method to solve that task?
You can do something like this:
void main() {
final originalMap = {
'createdat': {'raw': '2022-01-26T16:49:24.000Z'},
'images': {'raw': []}
final convertedMap = originalMap.map((key, value) =>
MapEntry(key, value['raw']));