I have a CDP environment running Hive, for some reason some queries run pretty quickly and others are taking even more than 5 minutes to run, even a regular select current_timestamp or things like that. I see that my cluster usage is pretty low so I don't understand why this is happening.
How can I use my cluster fully? I read some posts in the cloudera website, but they are not helping a lot, after all the tuning all the things are the same.
Something to note is that I have the following message in the hive logs:
"Get Query Coordinator (AM) 350"
Then I see that the time to execute the query was pretty low.
I am using tez, any idea what can I look at?
Besides taking care of the overall tuning: https://community.cloudera.com/t5/Community-Articles/Demystify-Apache-Tez-Memory-Tuning-Step-by-Step/ta-p/245279
Please check my answer to this same issue here Enable hive parallel processing
That post explains what you need to do to enable parallel processing.