I can use this function for SAM
sam local invoke "MessageFunction" -e events/message.json
However I would like to set contents of event.json in commandline
So, I tried this but in vain.
echo '{"type": "Message", "user_id": 5 }' | sam local invoke "MessageFunction"
Is there any way possible to do this?
So I tried piping and it seems to be complaining about extra parameters. The -e
flag expects a file path as an input. So to answer your question, it seems to be not feasible as for my capabilities. However, you might want to consider piping the event on a temp file using the commands below:
echo '{"type": "Message", "user_id": 5 }' >> "$sam_tmp"
sam local invoke "MessageFunction" -e $sam_tmp
rm $sam_tmp
Looks really dirty but it gets the job done :D The logic is:
flag of the event