A cross-platform QT application is built for macOS. This app works if I test this on the same machine. When I create a .dmg
file, this also works on my machine. When I test this on another machine, I get the error:
You do not have permission to open the application "MYAPP".
How can I debug this to see what the problem is?
Steps I do to create the .dmg
Run qmake
and make
until I have MYAPP.app (release build)
binarycreator -c config/config.xml -p packages/ setup_MYAPP
This creates setup_MYAPP.app
codesign -s "Full common name of my Apple Distribution profile" setup_MYAPP.app
When I provide a meaningless name between quotes it throws an error, so I assume this went fine.
hdiutil create -format UDZO -srcfolder setup_MYAPP.app MYAPP.dmg
This creates MYAPP.dmg, and the installer refuses to run on another macbook.
Run qmake
and make
until I have MYAPP.app (release build)
codesign -s "Full common name of my Apple Distribution profile" MYAPP.app
macdeployqt MYAPP.app/ -dmg -codesign="Full common name of my Apple Distribution profile" -appstore-compliant
This creates MYAPP.dmg, and the app refuses to run on another macbook.
OK, it seems the correct answer is "it's complicated".
I have not succeeded in creating an installer that I can share outside the MAC App Store. Apple has restricted this to the point at which I just give in to bureaucracy and to good looking but really extremely bad documentation.
But, should you have been able to get your hands on a precious developer ID certificate, these seem to be the steps to follow to successfully notarize your app:
> security unlock-keychain -p PASSWORD !/Library/Keychains/login.keychain-db
> codesign --timestamp="http://timestamp.apple.com/ts01" --options runtime --verbose=3 --force --deep --sign "NAME OF CERTIFICATE" PATH/TO/APP.app
> xcrun altool -u USER_EMAIL -p APP_SPECIFIC_PASSWORD -notarize-app -t osx --primary-bundle-id INVENT_YOUR_OWN_UNIQUE_ID -f PATH/TO/APP.app
The last run will return another ID, of the form abcdef01-2345-6789-abcd-ef0123456789
and you can use that ID to follow up on your notarization request:
> xcrun altool -u USER_EMAIL -p APP_SPECIFIC_PASSWORD --notarization-info abcdef01-2345-6789-abcd-ef0123456789
You will also get a mail with a link to the notarization results.
I didn't succeed in getting a go, and I'm giving in. I gave up. The next brave soul to run into this may be saved some time after reading this. Good luck, may you succeed where I failed!