
MDX Get a TopCount over multiple dimensions and add a rest/remainder (icCube)

I would like to create a TopCount over multiple dimensions, and include a "rest"/"remainder" and a sub-total.

I use the following MDX on the default Sales schema in icCube:

   member [Product].[Product].[All Products].[rest] as "All Products - top 2"
   SET [top] AS    
   Generate( { {[Customers].[Geography].[Region] } * [Time].[Calendar].[2010] } as s1,
          TopCount(  s1.CurrentMember * [Product].[Product].[Article].Members, 2, [Measures].[Amount] ) +  s1.CurrentMember * {[Product].[Product].[All Products].[rest] , [Product].[Product].[All Products]} )
   [Measures].[Amount]  on 0
   [top]      on rows
   from sales

The result is in the following picture.

Result of MDX

How to get a value for "rest"? Using the formula: "All Products" -/- the Top 2


  • The answer will depend on whether the dimension includes many-to-many relations or not.

    If there are no many-to-many, you can either use the SubCubeComplement function:

    MEMBER [Product].[Product].[All Products].[rest] as Eval(  SubCubeComplement( TopCount( [Product].[Product].[Article].Members, 2, [Measures].[Amount]) ) ,  [Product].[Product].defaultMember )

    or calculate it (all minus the sum of the TopCount set):

    MEMBER [Product].[Product].[All Products].[rest] as  ([Product].[Product].defaultMember) - Sum( TopCount( [Product].[Product].[Article].Members, 2, [Measures].[Amount]), [Product].[Product].currentMember )

    The risk here is that in case you have many-to-many relations, the two solutions above can be subtracting unwanted rows (as they may contain articles that should have been in the final set.)

    Therefore, if you have many-to-many relations use the Eval function with the following syntax:

    MEMBER [Product].[Product].[All Products].[rest] as  Eval( [Product].[Product].[Article].Members -  TopCount( [Product].[Product].[Article].Members, 2, [Measures].[Amount]), [Product].[Product].defaultMember )

    The statement will therefore be (please note the adjustment on the [top] set definition):

    // v1 (no many-to-many) - behaves like a FILTERBY
       // MEMBER [Product].[Product].[All Products].[rest] as Eval(  SubCubeComplement( TopCount( [Product].[Product].[Article].Members, 2, [Measures].[Amount]) ) ,  [Product].[Product].defaultMember )
    //v2 (no many-to-many)
       // MEMBER [Product].[Product].[All Products].[rest] as  ([Product].[Product].defaultMember) - Sum( TopCount( [Product].[Product].[Article].Members, 2, [Measures].[Amount]), [Product].[Product].currentMember )
    //v3 (many-to-many)
       MEMBER [Product].[Product].[All Products].[rest] as  Eval( [Product].[Product].[Article].Members -  TopCount(   [Product].[Product].[Article].Members, 2, [Measures].[Amount]), [Product].[Product].defaultMember )
       SET [top] AS    
       Generate( { {[Customers].[Geography].[Region] } * [Time].[Calendar].[2010] } as s1,
              s1.CurrentMember * TopCount( [Product].[Product].[Article].Members, 2, [Measures].[Amount] ) +  s1.CurrentMember * {[Product].[Product].[All Products].[rest] , [Product].[Product].[All Products]} )
       [Measures].[Amount]  on 0
       [top]      on rows
       from sales

    Version 3 will also work if there are no many-to-many relations.