I need to calculate effort for each feature in my backlog.
Every sprint or iteration I must make the sum of all completed work time of the tasks and manually add to the parent feature. I have not found anything can make it automatically. Do you know if something exists?
I am following this lisk: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/boards/queries/query-numeric?view=azure-devops#sum-of-remaining-work-per-developer
But I cannot grouping either by User Story or Feature...
Here the query:
Among the other columns I added the parent:
I wanted to add the feature but I cannot find the correct Column
Then I created a chart:
But here I cannot find either the parent column or the feature.
Azure DevOps may sum only on the backlogs. Check this link: Display rollup progress or totals in Azure Boards. Additionally, you may try to use Excel integration or Power BI.