I have a base component named MyChart.qml like this
Item {
id: root
ChartView {
id: myChartView
RowLayout {
id: myToolbar
So it's basically a chart with a toolbar underneath it. I inherit this component in another component like this:
MyChart {
*List of Children*
Here, how can I add the List of Children to myToolbar instead of root of the MyChart component?
Every item has the property data
which is used as default property when you add an object inside another. Default property mean if you don't specify any property is assumed to be that one.
eg: States
has default property states: []
, so you can do
States {
beacause they all refer to that default property. So, about your example it's enough to expose the default property of the component you want to be the direct father of your component
Item {
id: root
default property alias data: myToolbar.data
ChartView {
id: myChartView
RowLayout {
id: myToolbar
Now any child coponent you use will be added directly inside the rowlayout
MyChart {
Rectangle { width: 100; height: 100; color:"red"}
Rectangle { width: 100; height: 100; color:"skyblue"}