I want to get all the uploaded photos of the logged in user that was uploaded today. I could fetch all the photos and filter it with the created_time field. But I would like to make the request to Facebook api to just send me todays photos. This is the code I am using to get users uploaded photos
fun getAllPhotos() {
val bundle =Bundle()
val request = GraphRequest.newGraphPathRequest(
object : GraphRequest.Callback {
override fun onCompleted(response: GraphResponse) {
val type = object : TypeToken<ApiResponseObject>() {}.type
val respJSON = response.getJSONObject()
val item: ApiResponseObject = Gson().fromJson(respJSON.toString(), type)
item.data.forEach {
if (UtilityFunctions.checkIfToday(it.createdTime)) {
} else {
request.parameters = bundle
As you can see I request for all photos to "/me/photos/uploaded/" I would like to only request for photos on a certain date ( or just today ) I saw that the response came sorted by created time so I returned from the loop whenever I saw some picture that was out of date.
I found the solution. I just needed to look into the pagination documentation I found that just as fields I could also send since and a unix timestamp and it would return the photos uploaded since that timestamp