
Getting GRIB2 Lat/Lon Information from GDAL

I am attempting to plot fields from a GRIB2 file of GFS model data (example file: ). Normally I would just use PyGRIB and I'd have this problem solved yesterday, but I am on Windows (because it's what my employer uses, so I'm stuck with it and have to make this work on a Windows environment) and Windows and PyGRIB don't play nice. I am able to open the GRIB2 file and even plot variables over the entire domain using GDAL. The only problem is I need a way to get an array of the latitude and longitude values at each grid point (similar to in PyGRIB doing .latlons() on a GRIB message) so I can plot a subset of the domain.

Basically, I'm trying to replicate what is being done in this video, and need the data (got it using dataset.GetRasterBand(269).ReadAsArray()), then the lat/lon information.

I also tried using xarray, but Windows doesn't play nice with xarray either.


  • Given your comfort with PyGRIB, I'd say the solution is to use Conda and install it on Windows. You can use conda-forge's miniforge to install conda. Then, however you get Conda, install pygrib with:

    conda install -c conda-forge pygrib