I am attempting to plot fields from a GRIB2 file of GFS model data (example file: https://nomads.ncep.noaa.gov/pub/data/nccf/com/gfs/prod/gfs.20220202/12/atmos/gfs.t12z.pgrb2.0p25.f006 ). Normally I would just use PyGRIB and I'd have this problem solved yesterday, but I am on Windows (because it's what my employer uses, so I'm stuck with it and have to make this work on a Windows environment) and Windows and PyGRIB don't play nice. I am able to open the GRIB2 file and even plot variables over the entire domain using GDAL. The only problem is I need a way to get an array of the latitude and longitude values at each grid point (similar to in PyGRIB doing .latlons() on a GRIB message) so I can plot a subset of the domain.
Basically, I'm trying to replicate what is being done in this video, and need the data (got it using dataset.GetRasterBand(269).ReadAsArray()), then the lat/lon information.
I also tried using xarray, but Windows doesn't play nice with xarray either.
Given your comfort with PyGRIB, I'd say the solution is to use Conda and install it on Windows. You can use conda-forge's miniforge to install conda. Then, however you get Conda, install pygrib with:
conda install -c conda-forge pygrib