
Creating a leaderboards, how would I go about displaying rank/position?

I am creating a leaderboards which will display the following: Rank, Username, Score

I currently have the table to it will display Username and Score from the data in a mysql table, I am just wondering how would I go about displaying a rank for each user, number 1 being the user with the highest score then descending.



  • I recommend reading up on PHP/MySQL.

    HTML Header: Open your table, create your headers


    PHP: Dynamically generate the rows for each user

            $result = mysql_query("SELECT user, score FROM leaderboard ORDER BY score DESC");
            $rank = 1;
            if (mysql_num_rows($result)) {
                while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
                    echo "<td>{$rank}</td>

    HTML Footer: need to close the table
