
How can we override dependencies "version" in helm chart Chart.yaml file?

I am wondering and apparently have not yet found anywhere if there is a way via which I can specifically override the value of "version" key's value from the dependencies chart in Helm

# Chart.yaml
- name: bitnami/postgresql
  version: **"8.10.5"**
  repository: "https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami"

I tried something like below:

# Chart.yaml
- name: bitnami/postgresql
  version: "{{.Values.postgresql.version}}"
  repository: "https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami"


# Values.yaml
  version: "8.10.5" 

But I am getting below error:

Error: cannot load Chart.yaml: error converting YAML to JSON: yaml: invalid map key: map[interface {}]interface {}{".Values.postgresql.version":interface {}(nil)}

If this is currently not possible then can someone advise how do you update the "version" of dependencies in Charts.yaml whenever new version is available of them?


  • It's not super well documented in the Helm documentation – the generic helm dependency command documentation mentions it, but not the main discussion of chart dependencies – but the version: field is optional, and it uses semantic versioning if it is present. Helm maintains a separate Chart.lock file that lists precise versions of chart dependencies, and the helm dependency update command will update that file.

    So for your uses you might say:

    - name: bitnami/postgresql
      version: '^8' # Any 8.x.x version, but not version 7 or 9
      repository: "https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami"

    Or, if you're not configuring the dependency chart at all, just leave out the version: line entirely and use whatever the latest version is.

    # Install the chart using the specific Chart.lock version
    helm install myservice .
    # Get a newer version in Chart.lock and upgrade the database
    rm Chart.lock
    helm dependency update
    helm upgrade myservice .

    Do check the Chart.lock file into source control, so you have reproducible deployments.

    All of this is also true if you're using the older, Helm v2-compatible layout that lists dependencies in a separate requirements.yaml file. In this case the lock file is requirements.lock, but version: is still a semantic version constraint and the same helm dependency commands update the lock file.