I am trying to figure out how to use boost::read_graphviz in order to access subgraph structures in a given dot file. I can already use boost::read_graphviz in order to read some simple properties by using a property map (boost::dynamic_properties). However, i do not know how to use the property map in order to access the subgraphs. How could one access the subgraph clusters for the graph given below?
digraph G {
subgraph cluster_0 {
a0 -> a1;
a1 -> a2;
a2 -> a3;
subgraph cluster_1 {
b0 -> b1;
b1 -> b2;
b2 -> b3;
c1 -> a0;
c1 -> b0;
a1 -> b3;
b2 -> a3;
a3 -> a0;
a3 -> c2;
b3 -> c2;
Okay. It does seem that the read_graphviz
support has been dropped somewhere in history:
#if 0
// This interface has not worked for a long time
// These four require linking the BGL-Graphviz library: libbgl-viz.a
// from the /src directory.
// Library has not existed for a while
extern void read_graphviz(const std::string& file, GraphvizDigraph& g);
extern void read_graphviz(FILE* file, GraphvizDigraph& g);
extern void read_graphviz(const std::string& file, GraphvizGraph& g);
extern void read_graphviz(FILE* file, GraphvizGraph& g);
That's sad.
As I commented, I did once write a pretty comprehensive graphviz parser: How to use boost spirit list operator with mandatory minimum amount of elements?. I did /some/ work to translate the resulting AST into a graph model (not BGL, but it could be).
However, that seems like an overcomplicated approach for the sample given.
Let's roll a very simple X3 grammar for the given subset:
namespace x3 = boost::spirit::x3;
using Id = std::string;
namespace Parser {
using namespace x3;
auto kw = [](auto... p) {
return lexeme[(x3::as_parser(p) | ...) >> !(alnum | '_')];
x3::rule<struct _> graph{"graph"};
auto subgraph = kw("subgraph") >> graph;
auto semi = &('}'|subgraph) | ';';
auto id = lexeme[ //
!kw("edge", "node", "graph", "subgraph") //
>> +char_("A-Za-z0-9_")];
auto edge = id >> *(kw("->") >> id) >> semi;
auto node = id >> semi;
auto element = subgraph | edge | node;
auto graph_def = -id >> '{' >> *element >> '}' >> eps;
auto simple_graphviz = skip(space)[kw("digraph") >> graph];
} // namespace Parser
That is enough (and not even minimal). Note that
optional in some cases, butSee Live On Wandbox, printing "Parse success"
In order to build /anything/ we should be able to inject Parser Event handlers. E.g.:
struct Events{};
struct Handlers {
void node(Id id) { last = id; }
void edge(Id id) { std::cerr << stack.back() << ": " << last << " -> " << id << "\n"; }
void enter(auto optional_id) { stack.push_back(optional_id.value_or("(unnamed)")); }
void leave(unused_type) { stack.pop_back(); }
std::deque<std::string> stack;
Id last{};
Now, Events
is going to be used as context key:
#define ON(event) ([](auto& ctx) { get<Events>(ctx).event(_attr(ctx)); })
And then we can wire up events in semantic actions:
auto edge = id[ON(node)] >> *(kw("->") >> id[ON(edge)]) >> semi;
auto node = id[ON(node)] >> semi;
// ...
auto graph_def = (-id >> '{')[ON(enter)] >> *element >> '}' >> eps[ON(leave)];
In the actual invocation we should bind an instance of Handler
auto const bound_grammar = //
try {
if (/*bool ok =*/parse(f, l, bound_grammar))
And now the output is (Live On Wandbox):
cluster_0: a0 -> a1
cluster_0: a1 -> a2
cluster_0: a2 -> a3
cluster_1: b0 -> b1
cluster_1: b1 -> b2
cluster_1: b2 -> b3
G: c1 -> a0
G: c1 -> b0
G: a1 -> b3
G: b2 -> a3
G: a3 -> a0
G: a3 -> c2
G: b3 -> c2
Parse success
We don't need a lot for our graph model, but as we found out in the older answers, the subgraph overload of write_graphviz
does mandate all the attribute maps:
using Attrs = std::map<std::string, std::string>;
using VProp = property<vertex_name_t, std::string,
property<vertex_attribute_t, Attrs>>;
using EProp = property<edge_attribute_t, Attrs, //
property<edge_index_t, int>>;
using GProp = property<graph_graph_attribute_t, Attrs,
property<graph_vertex_attribute_t, Attrs,
property<graph_edge_attribute_t, Attrs,
property<graph_name_t, std::string>>>>;
using Graph = subgraph< //
adjacency_list<vecS, vecS, undirectedS, VProp, EProp, GProp>>;
using Digraph = subgraph< //
adjacency_list<vecS, vecS, directedS, VProp, EProp, GProp>>;
Now we can implement the Handlers
interface to build one of those:
template <typename G> struct Builder {
using V = typename G::vertex_descriptor;
using E = typename G::edge_descriptor;
Builder(G& g) : g(g) {}
V node(Id id) // return global descriptor to optionally locally added
if (auto it = vertices.find(id); it != vertices.end()) {
return last = it->second;
} else {
auto& sub = current();
V vd = add_vertex(sub);
put(boost::vertex_name, sub, vd, id);
// translate to global descriptors for later use
vd = sub.local_to_global(vd);
[[maybe_unused]] auto [_, ok] = vertices.emplace(id, vd);
return last = vd;
void edge(Id id) {
V s = last;
V t = node(id); // updates last, sequence point is important!
add_edge(s, t, g);
void enter(auto optional_id)
auto id = optional_id.value_or("");
if (!hasChild(current(), id))
get_property(current().create_subgraph(), boost::graph_name) = id;
void leave(x3::unused_type) { stack.pop_back(); }
using Stack = std::deque<std::string>;
G& g;
Stack stack;
std::map<Id, V> vertices;
V last;
static G* hasChild(G& g, Id childId) {
for (auto& child : make_iterator_range(g.children()))
if (childId == get_property(child, boost::graph_name))
return &child;
return nullptr;
using F = Stack::const_iterator;
static G& descend(G& g, F f, F l) {
if (f == l)
return g;
if (G* c = hasChild(g, *f))
return descend(*c, ++f, l);
throw std::range_error("descend");
G& current() {
return descend(g, stack.cbegin(), stack.cend());
Note that it could be optimized and I was sloppy with the semantics of multiple unnamed subgraphs. However, the parser remains unmodified, just bind with the Builder
bound to the Events
BGL::Digraph g;
auto const bound_grammar = //
if (/*bool ok =*/parse(f, l, bound_grammar))
std::cerr << "Parse success\n";
std::cerr << "Parse failed\n";
auto name = get(boost::vertex_name, g);
print_graph(g, name);
write_graphviz(std::cout << "\n ---- GRAPHVIZ:\n", g);
This results in the output (Live On Wandbox):
Parse success
a0 --> a1
a1 --> a2 b3
a2 --> a3
a3 --> a0 c2
b0 --> b1
b1 --> b2
b2 --> b3 a3
b3 --> c2
c1 --> a0 b0
c2 -->
digraph "" {
subgraph G {
subgraph cluster_0 {
0 -> 1;
1 -> 2;
2 -> 3;
3 -> 0;
subgraph cluster_1 {
4 -> 5;
5 -> 6;
6 -> 7;
1 -> 7;
3 -> 9;
6 -> 3;
7 -> 9;
8 -> 0;
8 -> 4;
So now we have structure-preserving, not id-preserving. We can at least make sure that the id
is used as node label then:
auto name = get(boost::vertex_name, g);
auto attrs = get(boost::vertex_attribute, g);
for (auto v : make_iterator_range(vertices(g))) {
attrs[v]["label"] = name[v];
write_graphviz(std::cout, g);
Now prints:
digraph "" {
subgraph G {
subgraph cluster_0 {
0 -> 1;
1 -> 2;
2 -> 3;
3 -> 0;
subgraph cluster_1 {
4 -> 5;
5 -> 6;
6 -> 7;
1 -> 7;
3 -> 9;
6 -> 3;
7 -> 9;
8 -> 0;
8 -> 4;
#include <boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/graphviz.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/subgraph.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/home/x3.hpp>
namespace x3 = boost::spirit::x3;
using boost::make_iterator_range;
using Id = std::string;
namespace BGL {
using namespace boost;
using Attrs = std::map<std::string, std::string>;
using VProp = property<vertex_name_t, std::string,
property<vertex_attribute_t, Attrs>>;
using EProp = property<edge_attribute_t, Attrs, //
property<edge_index_t, int>>;
using GProp = property<graph_graph_attribute_t, Attrs,
property<graph_vertex_attribute_t, Attrs,
property<graph_edge_attribute_t, Attrs,
property<graph_name_t, std::string>>>>;
using Graph = subgraph< //
adjacency_list<vecS, vecS, undirectedS, VProp, EProp, GProp>>;
using Digraph = subgraph< //
adjacency_list<vecS, vecS, directedS, VProp, EProp, GProp>>;
template <typename G> struct Builder {
using V = typename G::vertex_descriptor;
using E = typename G::edge_descriptor;
Builder(G& g) : g(g) {}
V node(Id id) // return global descriptor to optionally locally added
if (auto it = vertices.find(id); it != vertices.end()) {
return last = it->second;
} else {
auto& sub = current();
V vd = add_vertex(sub);
put(boost::vertex_name, sub, vd, id);
// translate to global descriptors for later use
vd = sub.local_to_global(vd);
[[maybe_unused]] auto [_, ok] = vertices.emplace(id, vd);
return last = vd;
void edge(Id id) {
V s = last;
V t = node(id); // updates last, sequence point is important!
add_edge(s, t, g);
void enter(auto optional_id)
auto id = optional_id.value_or("");
if (!hasChild(current(), id))
get_property(current().create_subgraph(), boost::graph_name) = id;
void leave(x3::unused_type) { stack.pop_back(); }
using Stack = std::deque<std::string>;
G& g;
Stack stack;
std::map<Id, V> vertices;
V last;
static G* hasChild(G& g, Id childId) {
for (auto& child : make_iterator_range(g.children()))
if (childId == get_property(child, boost::graph_name))
return &child;
return nullptr;
using F = Stack::const_iterator;
static G& descend(G& g, F f, F l) {
if (f == l)
return g;
if (G* c = hasChild(g, *f))
return descend(*c, ++f, l);
throw std::range_error("descend");
G& current() {
return descend(g, stack.cbegin(), stack.cend());
} // namespace BGL
namespace Parser {
using namespace x3;
auto kw = [](auto... p) {
return lexeme[(x3::as_parser(p) | ...) >> !(alnum | '_')];
struct Events{};
#define ON(event) ([](auto& ctx) { get<Events>(ctx).event(_attr(ctx)); })
x3::rule<struct _> graph{"graph"};
auto subgraph = kw("subgraph") >> graph;
auto semi = &('}'|subgraph) | ';';
auto id = lexeme[ //
!kw("edge", "node", "graph", "subgraph") //
>> +char_("A-Za-z0-9_")];
auto edge = id[ON(node)] >> *(kw("->") >> id[ON(edge)]) >> semi;
auto node = id[ON(node)] >> semi;
auto element = subgraph | edge | node;
auto graph_def = (-id >> '{')[ON(enter)] >> *element >> '}' >> eps[ON(leave)];
auto simple_graphviz = skip(space)[kw("digraph") >> graph];
#undef ON
} // namespace Parser
int main() {
std::ifstream ifs("input.txt");
std::string const s(std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(ifs >> std::noskipws), {});
auto f = s.begin(), l = s.end();
BGL::Digraph g;
auto const bound_grammar = //
try {
if (/*bool ok =*/parse(f, l, bound_grammar))
std::cerr << "Parse success\n";
std::cerr << "Parse failed\n";
auto name = get(boost::vertex_name, g);
auto attrs = get(boost::vertex_attribute, g);
for (auto v : make_iterator_range(vertices(g))) {
attrs[v]["label"] = name[v];
write_graphviz(std::cout, g);
if (f != l)
std::cerr << "Remaining unparsed input: '" << std::string(f,l) << "'\n";
} catch (x3::expectation_failure<std::string::const_iterator> const& e) {
std::cerr << e.what() << ": " << e.which() << " at "
<< std::string(e.where(), l) << "\n";
Resulting graph renders: