I tried to use XPath to select an svg
element's fill
attribute value, which uses an CSS variable, but I'm getting nothing back.
<svg class="unf-icon" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24" height="24"
fill="var(--N400, #6C727C)" style="display: inline-block;
vertical-align: middle;">
<path d="M9.5 18a.999.999 0 01-.71-1.71l4.3-4.29-4.3-4.29a1.004 1.004 0 011.42-1.42l5 5a.998.998 0 010 1.42l-5 5a1 1 0 01-.71.29z"></path>
XPath attempts:
//*[name()='svg' and fill='#6C727C']
//*[name()='svg' and @fill="#6C727C"]
//*[name()='svg' and @contain(fill, "#6C727C")]
The third try was closest. Change
//*[name()='svg' and @contains(fill, "#6C727C")]
//*[name()='svg' and contains(@fill, "#6C727C")]
if you want to check that the fill
attribute value has a substring of "#6C727C"
, or
//*[name()='svg' and @fill="var(--N400, #6C727C)"]
if you want to check that the fill
attribute value exactly equals "var(--N400, #6C727C)"