I am trying to using elassandra (which is elasticsearch + cassandra) in Docker image, so I am beginner with it. In such case, my question can be beginner level, sorry for that :)
I have started that docker image and I'm able to inserting data and searching it but I don't know how to create a new cluster. According to this documentation I need to find elasticsearch.yml file in my image but I couldn't find it via docker cli terminal: https://elassandra.readthedocs.io/en/latest/configuration.html
So far I tried to use "find . elasticsearch.yml" command but there is no file like that in entire directories of image.
Thanks for your attention. Have a nice day!
Looks like Aaron is correct. According to the code, it is injected into the same location as cassandra.yaml
which is /etc/cassandra
Source: docker-entrypoint.sh
# usage:
# config_injection CASSANDRA $CASSANDRA_CONFIG/cassandra.yaml
# config_injection ELASTICSEARCH $CASSANDRA_CONFIG/elasticsearch.yml
Source: Dockerfile