I am trying to log all express logs and unhandled exceptions in a file using nest - winston. Followed following articles ::
I researched about it and found that one should use morgan for logging express logs.
const winston = require("winston");
const morgan = require("morgan");
async function bootstrap() {
const appOptions = {
cors: true,
logger: WinstonModule.createLogger({
transports: [
new winston.transports.Console({}), // ==> 1
new winston.transports.File({
"logs/Combined-" + new Date(Date.now()).toDateString() + ".log",
level: "info",
handleExceptions: true,
new winston.transports.File({
"logs/Errors-" + new Date(Date.now()).toDateString() + ".log",
level: "error",
format: winston.format.combine(
format: "MMM-DD-YYYY HH:mm:ss",
(error) => `${error.level}: ${[error.timestamp]}: ${error.message}`
const app = await NestFactory.create(ApplicationModule, appOptions);
app.use(morgan("combined", { stream: winston.stream.write })); // ==> 2
const options = new DocumentBuilder()
const document = SwaggerModule.createDocument(app, options);
SwaggerModule.setup("/docs", app, document);
await app.listen(3000);
Winston is correctly logging the data to the files.
error: Jul-08-2021 18:12:34: Input data validation failed
error: Jul-08-2021 18:26:28: Input data validation failed
error: Jul-08-2021 18:27:09: Input data validation failed
error: Jul-08-2021 20:57:52: Input data validation failed
info: Jul-08-2021 21:47:40: Mapped {/api/pricing/:id, GET} route
info: Jul-08-2021 21:47:40: Mapped {/api/route/:slug, DELETE} route
info: Jul-08-2021 21:47:40: Nest application successfully started
Now I wanna log all the express logs for which I inserted morgan, as shown in code (Point 2).It logs to the console, but doesnt log to the file. But if I comment out point 1 , ie logging to console. The project doesn't start. It gets stuck after below 2 lines. I waited for 15 mins but no progress.
[nodemon] restarting due to changes...
[nodemon] starting `node ./index index.js`
Sorry for the late response. I have used a nest winston for logging exceptions and a middleware which logs the express queries.
My main.ts file looks like this.
import { NestFactory } from "@nestjs/core";
import { DocumentBuilder, SwaggerModule } from "@nestjs/swagger";
import { WinstonModule } from "nest-winston";
import { transports } from "winston";
import { ApplicationModule } from "./app.module";
const winston = require("winston");
async function bootstrap() {
const appOptions = {
cors: true,
logger: WinstonModule.createLogger({
transports: [
// new winston.transports.Console({}),
new winston.transports.File({
"logs/Combined-" + new Date(Date.now()).toDateString() + ".log",
level: "info",
handleExceptions: true,
new winston.transports.File({
"logs/Errors-" + new Date(Date.now()).toDateString() + ".log",
level: "error",
exceptionHandlers: [
new transports.File({ filename: 'logs/exceptions.log' })
format: winston.format.combine(
format: "DD/MM/YYYY, HH:mm:ss",
(error) => `[Nest] 5277 - ${[error.timestamp]} [${error.context}] : ${error.level}: ${error.message}`
const app = await NestFactory.create(ApplicationModule, appOptions);
const options = new DocumentBuilder()
const document = SwaggerModule.createDocument(app, options);
SwaggerModule.setup("/docs", app, document);
await app.listen(3000);
Middleware Configuration looks like this.
import { Injectable, Logger, NestMiddleware } from '@nestjs/common';
import { Request, Response, NextFunction } from 'express';
export class LoggerMiddleware implements NestMiddleware {
private logger = new Logger('HTTP');
use(request: Request, response: Response, next: NextFunction): void {
const { ip, method, originalUrl } = request;
const userAgent = request.get('user-agent') || '';
response.on('finish', () => {
const { statusCode } = response;
const contentLength = response.get('content-length');
`${method} ${originalUrl} ${statusCode} ${contentLength} - ${userAgent} ${ip}`,
Finally I have configured my middleware in app.module.ts
export class ApplicationModule implements NestModule{
configure(consumer: MiddlewareConsumer) {
constructor(private readonly connection: Connection) {}