
no implicit conversion of Symbol into Integer: Octokit

This is just an example of the reponse body

  "users": [
      "login": "octocat",
      "id": 1,
      "node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjE=",
      "avatar_url": "",
      "gravatar_id": "",
      "url": "",
      "html_url": "",
      "followers_url": "",
      "following_url": "{/other_user}",
      "gists_url": "{/gist_id}",
      "starred_url": "{/owner}{/repo}",
      "subscriptions_url": "",
      "organizations_url": "",
      "repos_url": "",
      "events_url": "{/privacy}",
      "received_events_url": "",
      "type": "User",
      "site_admin": false
  "teams": [
      "id": 1,
      "node_id": "MDQ6VGVhbTE=",
      "url": "",
      "html_url": "",
      "name": "Justice League",
      "slug": "justice-league",
      "description": "A great team.",
      "privacy": "closed",
      "permission": "admin",
      "members_url": "{/member}",
      "repositories_url": "",
      "parent": null
 client.pull_request_reviewer("healtheintent/hcc_reference_service", 129).each do |comment|
    username = comment[:user][:login]

This is the code I am using to iterate the given response. But its returning "no implicit conversion of Symbol into Integer "

Can someone please tell me how I iterate the given body


  • your "path" of accessing the content (comment[:user][:login]) does absolutely not match your datastructure.

    1. its users not user
    2. the root object is a hash, not an array
    3. you have a nested array, which you are not iterating over

    maybe you want this

    client.pull_request_reviewer("healtheintent/hcc_reference_service", 129)[:users].each do |user|
        username = user[:login]

    the reason you are getting a "no implicit conversion of Symbol into Integer" is, because you are using the [] notation on an array, but giving it a symbol as key/index (because you wrongly assumed to be a hash)