I want to translate the following R code from tidyverse
to collapse
. The following code count observations by group and append as a column to the data.frame.
wlddev %>%
group_by(income) %>%
add_count(., name = "Size") %>%
select(country, income, Size) %>%
# A tibble: 216 x 3
# Groups: income [4]
country income Size
<chr> <fct> <int>
1 Afghanistan Low income 1830
2 Albania Upper middle income 3660
3 Algeria Upper middle income 3660
4 American Samoa Upper middle income 3660
5 Andorra High income 4819
6 Angola Lower middle income 2867
7 Antigua and Barbuda High income 4819
8 Argentina Upper middle income 3660
9 Armenia Upper middle income 3660
10 Aruba High income 4819
# ... with 206 more rows
Now want to accomplish the same task with collapse R
The following code works as expected.
wlddev %>%
fgroup_by(income) %>%
fselect(country) %>%
income country
1 High income 4819
2 Low income 1830
3 Lower middle income 2867
4 Upper middle income 3660
However, not able to append the column to original data.frame.
wlddev %>%
fgroup_by(income) %>%
fselect(country) %>%
fnobs() %>%
ftransform(.data = wlddev, Size = .)
Error in ftransform_core(.data, e) :
Lengths of replacements must be equal to nrow(.data) or 1, or NULL to delete columns
Any hints, please.
Unlike add_count
which creates a column in the original data, the fnobs
is a summarised data, which we can join
wlddev %>%
fgroup_by(income) %>%
fselect(country) %>%
fnobs() %>%
rename(size = country) %>%
left_join(wlddev %>%
slt(country, income), .) %>%