I need my component to get slots number are occupied by the parent component
For example:
This is the component:
name: 'comp',
data() {
return {
nslot: 0
This is the parent
<button slot=""></button>
<button slot=""></button>
<button slot=""></button>
<button slot=""></button>
name: 'comp'
How i can do? I want to get number of used slot in the "nslot" variable
I prefer using method, (in the component) like:
mounthed() {
this.nslot = this.getslotnumber()
You should use a scoped slot like :
<slot :nslot="nslot" />
name: 'comp',
data() {
return {
nslot: 0
in parent :
<compt v-slot="{nslot}">
<button :slot="nslot">{{nslot}}</button>
name: 'comp'