
How to category with properties array object into sub-array object recursively?

I have this map function parameterize with dataObj which is from database execution return.

   obj.gateways = => ({
                    gw_name: item.gw_name.toUpperCase(),
                    pm_id: item.pm_uid,
                    pm_name: item.description.toUpperCase(),
                    pm_is_card: item.is_card_pmt ? true : false,
                    device_id: item.pd_uid,
                    device_name: item.pd_name,
   return obj;

I need to transfer above function return arrayObject into something like this,

gateways: [          
            gw_name: "GATEWAY_1",
            gw_methods: [
                pm_id: "234567",
                pm_name: "DEBIT CARD",
                pm_is_card: true
                pm_id: "123456",
                pm_name: "CREDIT CARD",
                pm_is_card: true
                device_id: 1234,
                device_name: "Device_1"
                device_id: 56789,
                device_name: "Device_2"
            gw_name: "GATEWAY_2",
            gw_methods: [
                pm_id: "098763",
                pm_name: "WEB",
                pm_is_card: false
                pm_id: "123456",
                pm_name: "CREDIT CARD",
                pm_is_card: true
                device_id: 56789,
                device_name: "Device_2"
                device_id: 8787,
                device_name: "Device_3"

I tried many ways, but there is no luck, any suggestion would be really appreciate it. Thanks!


  • Given the data looks like:

    const data = [
            gw_name: "GATEWAY_1",
            pm_id: "234567",
            pm_name: "DEBIT CARD",
            pm_is_card: true,
            gw_name: "GATEWAY_1",
            pm_id: "123456",
            pm_name: "CREDIT CARD",
            pm_is_card: true,
            gw_name: "GATEWAY_2",
            pm_id: "098763",
            pm_name: "WEB",
            pm_is_card: false,
            gw_name: "GATEWAY_2",
            pm_id: "123456",
            pm_name: "CREDIT CARD",
            pm_is_card: true,

    The following reduce will help you:

    const gateways = data.reduce((memo, item) => {
        let target = memo.find(({ gw_name }) => gw_name === item.gw_name);
        if (!target) {
            target = {
                gw_name: item.gw_name,
                gw_methods: [item],
            return [...memo, target];
        target.gw_methods = [, item];
        return memo;
    }, []);