I use typeorm (^0.2.41) and define two model which extends from my custom BaseModel:
import { BaseEntity } from 'typeorm';
export class BaseModel extends BaseEntity {
@Entity('Category', { schema: 'public' })
export class Category extends BaseModel {
@PrimaryGeneratedColumn({ type: 'integer', name: 'id' })
id: number;
@OneToMany(() => AbilityCategory, (abilityCategory) => abilityCategory.category, { onDelete: 'CASCADE' })
abilityCategories: AbilityCategory[];
@Entity('_ability_category', { schema: 'public' })
export class AbilityCategory extends BaseModel {
@PrimaryGeneratedColumn({ type: 'integer', name: 'id' })
id: number;
@ManyToOne(() => Category, (category) => category.abilityCategories)
@JoinColumn([{ name: 'categoryId', referencedColumnName: 'id' }])
category: Category;
(I've removed unnecessary fields, before mention here)
and I write this query:
await Category.find({
where: {
type: 'JobCategory',
'abilityCategories.id': 13
join: {
alias: 'category',
innerJoinAndSelect: { abilityCategories: 'category.abilityCategories' }
take: 5
but in raw sql query, it passes null to abilityCategories.id:
SELECT DISTINCT "distinctAlias"."category_id" as "ids_category_id"
FROM (SELECT "category"."id" AS "category_id"
FROM "public"."Category" "category"
INNER JOIN "public"."_ability_category" "abilityCategories"
ON "abilityCategories"."categoryId" = "category"."id"
WHERE ("category"."type" = $1 AND "abilityCategories"."id" = $2)) "distinctAlias"
ORDER BY "category_id" ASC
LIMIT 5 -- PARAMETERS: ["JobCategory",null]
is there anyone to help me find out the reason of null value for second parameter?
it is related to this issue on GitHub