
Turbo-rails distinct scoped partial broadcast update

I want to broadcast updates of ActiveRecord to distinct partials depending on their scoped route. How could I do that?

Ex: I have a Post model that has_many :comments. Comments can be updated and we have two partials for a comment in the following folders to display them using a distinct template:

<%= turbo_stream_from comment %>
<%= turbo_frame_tag dom_id(comment) do %>
  //one way of displaying the comment
<% end %>
<%= turbo_stream_from comment %>
<%= turbo_frame_tag dom_id(comment) do %>
  //another way of displaying the comment
<% end %>

Every time I update the record it is broadcasted using turbo-stream.

class Comment < ApplicationRecord
 broadcasts_to :post

The issue is that the broadcasted result is using the /views/comments/_comment.html.erb all over the application. I would want a way to broadcast and re-render the comment using the scoped partial when the view is under a specific scope, and to use the unscoped partial when no scope is defined, is that even possible?


  • I found the answer in the gem... This can be performed by changing the dom_id of the visitor comment to "#{dom_id(comment)}_visitor" and passing the partial explicitly in the broadcast_replace_to

    <%= turbo_stream_from comment %>
    <%= turbo_frame_tag "#{dom_id(comment)}_visitor" do %>
      //another way of displaying the comment
    <% end %>
    class Comment < ApplicationRecord
      after_update_commit do
        broadcast_replace_to self
        broadcast_replace_to self, target: "#{dom_id(self)}_visitor", partial: 'visitor/comments/comment'