
Pageview trigger not firing in Google Tag Manager

I'm trying to fire a pageview trigger whenever the manage staff page of my website is viewed. I tried to do it using the PageView trigger and using Page URL equals The manage staff page can be opened from the home screen by clicking on Manager Staff button on the header. Link to the home page - Link to the page I'm trying to monitor - The pageview trigger is not fired when I click on manage staff button on the header which opens the page I'm tracking ( But, the trigger is only fired when I refresh the manage staff page. I want to know why the pageview trigger does not fire when I click on the button that opens the page whose URL I'm tracking? [enter image description here][1]


  • The pageview trigger doesn't work on navigations because your site is an SPA. A single page application. It implies that there are no real pageloads on navigations. On a hard refresh or when you navigate to that page directly and not as a result of site navigation, a pageview is issued.

    You just want to add a history change trigger to your existing pageview trigger. This one: enter image description here

    And apply your additional trigger page filters or it will fire on every navigation.