
How to authenticate gocql to AWS

I have a Go service that needs to connect Keyspaces on AWS. My pod has a role and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SESSION_TOKEN env vars.

I want to use aws SDK v2. What credential provider should I use? ec2rolecreds or other one (maybe stscreds)?

I tried to implement example from here. But I get an error

no EC2 IMDS role found, operation error ec2imds: GetMetadata, request canceled, context deadline exceeded

Where can I find working example and more explanations?


Now my code looks like this:

awsCfg, err := awsConfig.LoadDefaultConfig(ctx)
if err != nil {
    return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to load AWS config: %w", err)

imdsClient := imds.NewFromConfig(awsCfg)

appCreds := aws.NewCredentialsCache(ec2rolecreds.New(func(options *ec2rolecreds.Options) {
        options.Client = imdsClient
cluster := gocql.NewCluster(cassandraHost)

auth := sigv4.NewAwsAuthenticator()
auth.SessionToken = value.SessionToken
auth.AccessKeyId = value.AccessKeyID
auth.SecretAccessKey = value.SecretAccessKey

cluster.Authenticator = auth

session, err := cluster.CreateSession()

Retrieve() returns an error

no EC2 IMDS role found, operation error ec2imds: GetMetadata, exceeded maximum number of attempts, 3, request send failed, Get \"\": dial tcp connect: host is down


In the same environment AWS SDK v1 works ok. So physically AWS endpoint is available.

session, err := aws_sess.NewSession()
if err != nil {
    return fmt.Errorf("failed to create AWS session: %w", err)

creds := credentialsV1.NewChainCredentials(
            Client: ec2metadataV1.New(session),

value, getErr := creds.Get()


  • no EC2 IMDS role found, operation error ec2imds: GetMetadata, exceeded maximum number of attempts, 3, request send failed, Get \"\": dial tcp connect: host is down

    Your snippet of code is attempting to use the EC2 instance meta-data service to read an IAM role to use. For that to work, you need to be able to communicate with it, and the role must be attached to the instance.

    Is your Go service running on an EC2 instance? If not, that would explain your error. If it is, make sure the process or container has appropriate network access (eg: network namespace) to communicate with