I am trying to run a container image in GCP Cloud run.
Tech Stack: .NET 6, C#, Orleans.NET, ASP.NET
My code requires the podIP to work properly.
This programs works properly in a regular Kubernetes cluster, because I am able to set an environment variable with the assigned podIP with the following configuration in the "env" section of the deployment.yaml file:
- name: POD_IP
fieldPath: status.podIP
When I try to provide the same in Cloud Run yaml, I get:
When I tried digging into the documentation of k8s.io.api.core.v1,
GCP Documentation - Kubernetes
This is saying that "Not supported by Cloud Run".
Is there any way to set podIP in the environment variable of GCP - Cloud Run?
Cloud Run is a serverless product. As serverless product, you don't manage the servers and the network. Therefore, asking for the podIP make no sense and has no value (at least, it will be a private IP in the Google Cloud serverless network).
So, the answer is "NO, you can't get the podIP".
But why do you need it? You can set a dummy value and see what happens we your container. Or to update your code to make optional that value.