I need to get the timestamp of the duration an issue was made the transition into "Waiting-for-Input" state. I tried to get this using custom_fields using this URL <{jira-base-url}/rest/api/2/field> I found out there is a custom_field for it which is as follows
"id": "customfield_13225",
"name": 'Days in "Waiting-for-Input"',
"custom": True,
"orderable": True,
"navigable": True,
"searchable": True,
"clauseNames": ["cf[13225]", 'Days in "Waiting-for-Input"'],
"schema": {
"type": "string",
"custom": "com.onresolve.jira.groovy.groovyrunner:scripted-field",
"customId": 13225,
But when I try to access this customfield I get an error like
AttributeError: 'PropertyHolder' object has no attribute 'customfield_13225'
The code which I am trying is
issue = jira.issue('ABC-1')
Need help to access this customfield.
I am using JIRA Rest API and using python 3.7
This customfield was blocked by my administrator. Had to request them to allow access to this customfield after which I was able to access this field.