
Fill a 6x6 grid with 6 colors without same colors touching each other

I'm trying to create a board game with p5.js (Javascript)

To set up the game board which is a 6 by 6 grid, I have to fill the grid with 6 colors in a way that no horizontal or vertical touching cells have the same color. And all 6 colors have to be used in 6 cells.

But now I'm struggling a bit creating an algorithm that places the colors randomly but keeping the rules.

I tried to start at the top left corner, filling with a random color. Then I start to fill the cell to the left and the bottom with a different color.

The problem is, that when the script wants to fill the last few cells, there are no colors left to use (either already 6 cells filled or a remaining color is a neighbor)

Example: Still two cells need to be red, but only one place is left for red (under white):

//fill placedColors Array with zeros
placedColors = [];
for(let i=0; i<6; i++) {
    placedColors[i] = 0;

//fill allIndexes Array with indizies to keep control of visited cells
let allIndexes = [];
for(let i=0; i<36; i++) {

//build board
//when I set the limit to 36 the script runs forever because no solution is found
for(let i=0; i<33; i++) {

function fillCells(index) {
    //get top and left color
    let topColor = false;
    //index is in the second row
    if(index >= 6) {
        topColor = cells[index-6].color;
    let leftColor = false;
    //index is not in the first column
    if(index % 6 > 0 && index > 0) {
        leftColor = cells[index-1].color;
    if(allIndexes.indexOf(index) > -1) {
        cells.push(new Cell(index, pickColor(topColor, leftColor)));
    //mark index as visited
    var allIndexesIndex = allIndexes.indexOf(index);
    if (allIndexesIndex !== -1) {
        allIndexes.splice(allIndexesIndex, 1);

function pickColor(invalidColor1,invalidColor2) {
    let colorFound = false;
    do {
        randColor = floor(random(6));
        if(placedColors[randColor] < 6 && randColor!=invalidColor1 && randColor!=invalidColor2) {
            colorFound = true;
    } while(!colorFound);
    return randColor;


  • Thanks for your suggestions! I tried to find an own solution parallel to the posted one. Now with this code, it works fine:

    function buildBoard() {
        cells = [];
        for(let i=0; i<gameSize; i++) {
            placedColors[i] = 0;
        for(var i=0; i<gameSize*gameSize; i++) {
            cells.push(new Cell(i, pickColor()));
        do {
            invalidFields = [];
            if(invalidFields.length > 0) {
                let cell1index = Math.floor(Math.random() * invalidFields.length);
                cell1 = invalidFields[cell1index];
                //check, if cell in different color available
                let otherColorAvailable = false;
                for(cell of invalidFields) {
                    if(cell.color != cell1.color) {
                        otherColorAvailable = true;
                if(otherColorAvailable) {
                    //pick invalid cell
                    do {
                        let cell2index = Math.floor(Math.random() * invalidFields.length);
                        cell2 = invalidFields[cell2index];
                    } while (cell2.color == cell1.color)
                } else {
                    //pick random cell
                    do {
                        let cell2index = Math.floor(Math.random() * cells.length);
                        cell2 = cells[cell2index];
                    } while (cell2.color == cell1.color)            
                //switch colors of cells
                let tempColor = cell1.color;
                cell1.color = cell2.color;
                cell2.color = tempColor;
        } while (!checkStartField());   
    function findInvalidFields() {
        for(let index=0; index<cells.length; index++) {
            let thisColor = cells[index].color;
            if(index%gameSize < gameSize-1 && cells[index+1].color == thisColor) {
                if(invalidFields.indexOf(cells[index+1])) {
            if(index < gameSize*gameSize-gameSize && cells[index+gameSize].color == thisColor) {
                if(invalidFields.indexOf(cells[index+gameSize])) {
    function checkStartField() {
        for(let index=0; index<cells.length; index++) {
            let thisColor = cells[index].color;
            if(index >= gameSize && cells[index-gameSize].color == thisColor) {
                return false;
            if(index%gameSize < gameSize-1 && cells[index+1].color == thisColor) {
                return false;
            if(index < gameSize*gameSize-gameSize && cells[index+gameSize].color == thisColor) {
                return false;
            if(index%gameSize > 0 && cells[index-1].color == thisColor) {
                return false;
        return true;