I have very simple code and I just can't figure out what's going wrong.
I have a Twilio trial account and a trial phone number and I am trying to send an SMS using it.
from os import environ
from twilio.rest import Client
client = Client(environ['ACCOUNT_SID'], environ['AUTH_TOKEN'])
message = client.messages.create(body = f'The verification code for Treal is {code}', from_ = "+1**********", to = "+91**********")
The one in the from is my Twilio trial number and the one in the "to" is a number I want to send to. I am getting an error:
HTTP Error Your request was:
POST /Accounts/AC*******1830e0****a3403dfd16d****/Messages.json
Twilio returned the following information:
Unable to create record: A 'To' phone number is required.
More information may be available here:
With a trial account, in Twilio, you can send a message only to the phone you signed in with or verified so if I provided the phone number "1234" I can only send messages to "1234".
Maybe you didn't provide a phone number when you signed up?