
(Vue.js 3 Options API) How do I access a child method?

I need to access a child component's method using Vue.js 3 with Options API. There is an answer at How to access to a child method from the parent in vue.js, but it is for Vue.js 2 and Vue.js 3 but with Composition API.

I still tried this, all in the parent component:

<dropdown-list @update="updateChildComponents"></dropdown-list>
<child-component-1 ref="childComponent1Ref" :url="url"></child-component-1>
<child-component-2 ref="childComponent2Ref" :url="url"></child-component-2>


methods: {
  updateChildComponents() {

This actually successfully accesses the method, but I think this may not be the right way.

Secondly, I use a prop in the child component that I update in the parent and use in the child component's method, which updates only after the second event. I think these two may be related.

Child component:

props: ['url'],
methods: {
  childComponentMethod() {
    console.log(this.url); // can access the value from the previous event 

I appreciate any help.


  • For communication between the parent and the children you should trasfer the value with props. In case the value is changing in the parent you must add watch. It called 1 way binding because the parent cant see the changes in the child component.

    Parent -> child = use props.

    Child -> parent = use emits and on event.

    import { reactive,watch, computed,onMounted } from "vue";
    export default {
      components: { 
      props: { metadata: String },
      emits: [""],
      setup(props) {
        onMounted(async () => {
        //first initilize 
          if (props.metadata) {
            state.metadataName = props.metadata;
        //track after the changes in the parent
          () => props.metadata,
          async (metadata) => {
            if (metadata) {
        return {