This recursive definition of T
fails to type-check.
class C a where
type T a :: Type
newtype Compose (f :: Type -> Type) (g :: Type -> Type) (a :: Type) = Compose {getCompose :: f (g a)}
instance C (Maybe a) where
type T (Maybe a) = NP (Compose T Identity) '[a]
Specific error:
• The associated type family ‘T’ should have 1 argument, but has been given none
• In the type instance declaration for ‘T’
In the instance declaration for ‘C (Maybe a)’
32 | type T (Maybe a) = NP (Compose T Identity) '[a]
| ^
The real class/instance looks like this:
instance Ema (MultiSite models) where
type RouteFor (MultiSite models) = NP (Compose RouteFor Site) models
This says that "the route for a multisite is an n-ary product of the routes for the individual sites", hence RouteFor
has to be defined recursively.
Type families are unmatchable and must be fully saturated. This means they can not be passed partially applied as an argument. This is basically what the error message says
• The associated type family ‘
’ should have 1 argument, but has been given none
At the present time this is not distinguished at the kind level (see Unsaturated type families proposal) but there is a very clear distinction within GHC.
According to :kind
both T
and Identity
have the same kind while in reality Identity
is Matchable and T
is Unmatchable:
Identity :: Type -> @M Type
T :: Type -> @U Type
Because the arguments of Compose
are Type -> @M Type
you cannot pass an unmatchable type family. The type language is first order! (Higher-Order Type-Level Programming in Haskell) and there is no way to define Compose
that accepts an unmatchable function at the moment.
If you compare the kind of the slightly modified T1
and T2
, the first one is unmatchable in both arguments while the second is matchable in its second argument
type C1 :: Type -> @M Constraint
class C1 a where
-- T1 :: Type -> @U Type -> @U Type
type T1 a (b :: Type) :: Type
type C2 :: Type -> @M Contraint
class C2 a where
-- T2 :: Type -> @U Type -> @M Type
type T2 a :: Type -> Type
A possibility is to wrap it in a (matchable) newtype
type Wrapp'T :: Type -> @M Type
newtype Wrapp'T a = Wrapp'd (T a)
instance C (Maybe a) where
type T (Maybe a) = NP (Compose Wrapp'T Identity) '[a]