I'm having issues with applying this row_number() function on SQL Server. Ideally, I want to use the function, dense_rank() but only works when writing on Oracle.
When I run the query I get the SQL Error[207][S0001]: Invalid column name 'tag_year'.
'last 7 days' as time_period,
CAST(dd.CalendarDate as DATE) as 'Date',
cast(CAST(dd.CalendarDate as DATE) as varchar) as time,
right(CAST(dd.CalendarDate as DATE), 5) as axis_date,
when dd.CalendarDate between dateadd(month, -11,getdate()) and getdate() then 'cy'
else 'ly' end) as tag_year,
ROW_NUMBER () over (partition by tag_year order by time desc ) as varchar) as time_index, --calendar week day
ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by tag_year order by time desc ) as last_n,
CAST(last_n AS varchar)+time_period as time_key
from dim.Calendar dd
(dd.CalendarDate between getdate() - 7 and getdate() - 1) -- last 31 days
or (dd.CalendarDate between getdate() - 7 - 52 * 7 and getdate() - 1 - 52 * 7);
Not sure what the issue is and when I add group by, it crashes stil.
Any help or guidance would be appreciated
is the result of an expression created inline in the query. To use its value on another expression, you'll need to create this value as a column in a subquery first.
For example:
select *,
ROW_NUMBER () over (partition by tag_year order by time desc ) as varchar)
as time_index, --calendar week day
ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by tag_year order by time desc ) as last_n,
from (
'last 7 days' as time_period,
CAST(dd.CalendarDate as DATE) as 'Date',
cast(CAST(dd.CalendarDate as DATE) as varchar) as time,
right(CAST(dd.CalendarDate as DATE), 5) as axis_date,
when dd.CalendarDate between dateadd(month, -11,getdate()) and getdate()
then 'cy'
else 'ly'
end as tag_year,
CAST(last_n AS varchar)+time_period as time_key
from dim.Calendar dd
(dd.CalendarDate between getdate() - 7 and getdate() - 1) -- last 31 days
or (dd.CalendarDate between getdate() - 7 - 52 * 7 and getdate() - 1 - 52 * 7)
) x