
Using multiple configs in the same group to interpolate values in a yaml file

In Hydra I have the following configuration:

├── conf
    │   ├── config.yaml
    │   ├── callbacks
    │   │   ├── callback_01.yaml
    │   │   └── callback_02.yaml
    │   └── trainer
    │       ├── default.yaml

The callbacks have a structure like this:

_target_: callback_to_instantiate

I need to pass to the trainer/default.yaml both the callbacks through interpolation. I tried like this:

    _target_: pytorch_lightning.Trainer
        - ${callbacks.callback_01}
        - ${callbacks.callback_02}

With the config.yaml like this:

      - _self_
      - trainer: default

I did also other trials but it doesn't seem to work. Is there a way to interpolate like that in a yaml file by using two or more yaml files that are in the config group? I would like if possible to keep this structure.


  • Currently the recommended approach is:

    1. compose a mapping whose values are the desired callbacks, and then
    2. use the oc.dict.values OmegaConf resolver to get a list of values from that dictionary.
    # conf/config.yaml
      - callbacks@_callback_dict.cb1: callback_01
      - callbacks@_callback_dict.cb2: callback_02
      - trainer: default
      - _self_
    # conf/trainer/default.yaml
    _target_: pytorch_lightning.Trainer
    callbacks: ${oc.dict.values:_callback_dict}
    # my_app.py
    from typing import Any
    import hydra
    from omegaconf import DictConfig, OmegaConf
    @hydra.main(config_path="conf", config_name="config")
    def app(cfg: DictConfig) -> Any:
        del cfg._callback_dict
    if __name__ == "__main__":

    At the command line:

    $ python my_app.py
      _target_: pytorch_lightning.Trainer
      - _target_: callback_to_instantiate_01
      - _target_: callback_to_instantiate_02

    For reference, there is an open issue on Hydra's github repo advocating for an improved user experience around