
Scala 3 : Finding functions with the given annotation

For Scala 3 macros, does anyone know of a way to find all functions with a given annotation?

For instance:

def apple(): Int = ???

def banana(): Int = ???

def coconut(): Int = ???

def durian(): Int = ???

def elephant(): Int = ???

def fig(): Int = ???

I would want to find a list of apple, banana, coconut, durian, fig. They could be defined anywhere, but in my case they will all be in a single package.


  • This solution will extract all the definitions with some annotation from a given package. I will leverage also the compile-time reflection.

    This solution will extract all the definitions with some annotations from a given package. I will also leverage the compile-time reflection. So, To solve your problem, we need to divide it in:

    inline def findAllFunction[P, A <: ConstantAnnotation, R]: List[() => R] = 
        ${Implementation.myMacroImpl[P, A, R]()}

    The first point is straightforward. we could extract all the methods defined as:

    def methodsFromPackage(packageSymbol: Symbol): List[Symbol] =

    The second point is also quite easy. Symbol class has the method hasAnnotation that could be used in this case:

    def methodsAnnotatatedWith(
        methods: List[Symbol],
        annotation: Symbol
    ): List[Symbol] =

    The last point is a little bit challenging. Here we should construct the method call. So we need to create the AST that correspond to the method call. Inspired by this example, we can call definition using Apply. Select and This serve to select the correct method that will be called:

    def transformToFunctionApplication(methods: List[Symbol]): Expr[List[() => R]] =
      val appliedDef = methods
        .map(definition => Select(This(definition.owner), definition))
        .map(select => Apply(select, List.empty))
        .map(apply => '{ () => ${ apply.asExprOf[R] } })

    Here I used lamba call, if you want to return directly the value you should change the last two instructions:

    def transformToFunctionApplication(methods: List[Symbol]): Expr[List[R]] =
      val appliedDef = methods
        .map(definition => Select(This(definition.owner), definition))
        .map(select => Apply(select, List.empty))
        .map(apply => apply.asExprOf[R])

    To sum up, the all methods could be defined as:

    def myMacroImpl[P: Type, A: Type, R: Type]()(using
    ): Expr[List[() => R]] = {
      import quotes.reflect.*
      val annotation = TypeRepr.of[A].typeSymbol
      val moduleTarget = TypeRepr.of[P].typeSymbol
      def methodsFromPackage(packageSymbol: Symbol): List[Symbol] =
      def methodsAnnotatatedWith(
          methods: List[Symbol],
          annotation: Symbol
      ): List[Symbol] =
      def transformToFunctionApplication(
          methods: List[Symbol]
      ): Expr[List[() => R]] =
        val appliedDef = methods
          .map(definition => Select(This(definition.owner), definition))
          .map(select => Apply(select, List.empty))
          .map(apply => '{ () => ${ apply.asExprOf[R] } })
      val methods = methodsFromPackage(moduleTarget)
      val annotatedMethod = methodsAnnotatatedWith(methods, annotation)

    Finally, you can use the macro as:

    package org.tests
    import org.tests.Macros.fruit
    package foo {
      def check(): Int = 10
      def other(): Int = 11
    @main def hello: Unit = 
      println("Hello world!")
      println(Macros.findAllFunction[, fruit, Int].map(_.apply())) /// List(10, 11)
