I'm verifying the user OTP to change password and after change password I'm unable to create access and refresh token using JWT ,
Normally when user get log in I use following method MyTokenObtainPairView
which return both access and refresh token with all other stuff to UserSerializerWithToken
class MyTokenObtainPairSerializer(TokenObtainPairSerializer):
def validate(self, attrs):
data = super().validate(attrs)
serializer = UserSerializerWithToken(self.user).data
for k, v in serializer.items():
data[k] = v
return data
class MyTokenObtainPairView(TokenObtainPairView):
serializer_class = MyTokenObtainPairSerializer
I coppied similar appraoch to return UserSerializerWithToken
after set_password and user.save()
UserSerializerWithToken is
class UserSerializerWithToken(UserSerializer):
token = serializers.SerializerMethodField(read_only=True)
class Meta:
model = CustomUser
fields = ['id',
def get_token(self, obj):
token = RefreshToken.for_user(obj)
return str(token.access_token)
and the problematic function is
def reset_password(request):
data = request.data
email = data['email']
otp_to_verify = data['otp']
new_password = data['password']
user = CustomUser.objects.get(email=email)
serializer = UserSerializerWithToken(user, many=False)
if CustomUser.objects.filter(email=email).exists():
if otp_to_verify == user.otp:
if new_password != '':
user.save() # here password gets changed
return Response(serializer.data) #
message = {
'detail': 'Password cant be empty'}
return Response(message, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
message = {
'detail': 'Something went wrong'}
return Response(message, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
I receive the toke but not getting access and refresh toke to use it to login next time. I'm assuming user.save() dosnt create refresh and access token here. Can anybody identify why this is happening and how to fix that
does not create the tokens
token = RefreshToken.for_user(obj)
return str(token.access_token)
These lines create the token.
In my opinion, you dont need the serializer here.
def reset_password(request):
data = request.data
email = data['email']
otp_to_verify = data['otp']
new_password = data['password']
user = CustomUser.objects.get(email=email)
if CustomUser.objects.filter(email=email).exists():
otp_to_verify == user.otp
if new_password != '':
user.save() # here password gets changed
token = RefreshToken.for_user(user)
response = { "refresh_token": str(token),
"access_token": str(token.access_token)
return Response(response)
message = {
'detail': 'Password cant be empty'}
return Response(message, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
message = {
'detail': 'Something went wrong'}
return Response(message, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)