The AVQueuePlayer does not seek to the given time. Video always starts playing at the beginning. Using the default controls, I can seek manually to a desired point. I am using a m3u8 HLS stream.
import SwiftUI
import AVKit
struct ChannelPlayerView: View {
@ObservedObject var channelViewModel: ChannelViewModel
@State private var player: AVQueuePlayer?
@State private var videoLooper: AVPlayerLooper?
// VideoPlayer example from
var body: some View {
VideoPlayer(player: player)
.onAppear {
if player == nil {
let videoURL = self.channelViewModel.currentVideo().masterUrl //
// Will be used after seeking works
//let currentTimesamp = Date() - video.startingTime
//let cmTime = CMTime(seconds: currentTimesamp, preferredTimescale: 1000000)
let templateItem = AVPlayerItem(url: URL(string: videoURL)!)
player = AVQueuePlayer(playerItem: templateItem)
videoLooper = AVPlayerLooper(player: player!, templateItem: templateItem)¡
if player?.isPlaying == false {
let playerTimescale = self.player!.currentItem?.asset.duration.timescale ?? 1
let time = CMTime(seconds: 77.000000, preferredTimescale: playerTimescale)
player?.seek(to: time)
player?.play() // Tried with play() and without
Here is the m3u8 File that is given to the player.
# Created with Bento4 version 1.2.0r637
# Media Playlists
# I-Frame Playlists
Found out the problem.
I need to seek on the currentItem, not on the AVQueuePlayer. Did not found a clue on why in the documentation.
player?.currentItem!.seek(to: cmTime, toleranceBefore: .zero, toleranceAfter: .zero, completionHandler: nil)