I am trying to get $refs in Vue 3 using Composition API. This is my template that has two child components and I need to get reference to one child component instance:
<comp-foo />
<comp-bar ref="table"/>
In my code I use Template Refs: ref is a special attribute, that allows us to obtain a direct reference to a specific DOM element or child component instance after it's mounted.
If I use Options API then I don't have any problems:
mounted() {
console.log("Mounted - ok");
However, using Composition API I get error:
setup() {
const that: any = getCurrentInstance();
onMounted(() => {
console.log("Mounted - ok");
console.log(that.$refs.table.temp());//ERROR that.$refs is undefined
return {};
Could anyone say how to do it using Composition API?
You need to create the ref const inside the setup then return it so it can be used in the html.
<div ref="table"/>
import { ref, onMounted } from 'vue';
setup() {
const table = ref(null);
onMounted(() => {
return { table };